
A Brief History of Ethiopia, Tan Desai’s Hometown

4 min readApr 12, 2020


今天偶然在網路上看到中央大學的蔡宗翰老師寫了一篇文章在簡述譚德塞的故鄉_衣索比亞的歷史,並且有中英文兩種版本,同時還歡迎大家轉發,覺得內容滿有趣的,所以在這邊我就將原文稍作排版後直接轉貼,有興趣深入了解的也可以至蔡老師的 Facebook 看看。

Photo by Trevor Cole on Unsplash


Everyone usually hears Ethiopia, mostly because of Yirgacheffe coffee. This time, everyone again noticed this East African country because of Tan Desai. Let Teacher Cai briefly describe the background of this country, hoping to know more about her. This country has a continuous history of 3000 years since its origin. In ancient times, it was a rich country in the world due to its transition position of the Roman-Eastern trade, and it is one of the few countries in Africa that has maintained independence for a long time. In recent years, due to natural disasters and ethnic problems, the economy has been extremely unstable.

起源傳說 (沒有考古證據)


Origin_legend (no archaeological evidence)

According to 1 Kings 10 in the Old Testament, the Qur’an, and other historical sources of the Aksum kingdom, in the 10th century BC, the Queen of Sheba went to Israel to see Solomon because of the talent and wisdom of the King . All the questions she prepared were answered well by Solomon. According to legend, the Queen fell in love with Solomon at first sight, and a few months after returning home, the Queen gave birth to Menelik. As a teenager, Menelik came to Jerusalem to meet his father Solomon and stayed. In his twenties, Menelik expressed his father his desire to return to his mother ’s country, so King Solomon let him bring the Ark of the Covenant back to Ethiopia and asked him rule the country in God’s way. Menelik I was honored as the ancestor of House of Solomon.

現實 (有文書證據或考古證據。請注意,每個時期並不是那麼清楚切割,都有一些交疊或真空)

Reality (There exists documentary evidence or archaeological evidence. Please note that each period is not so clearly cut, there is some overlap or gap)

德姆王國 前980年-前5世紀


Kingdom of Dʿmt (980 BC-5th century BC)

Perhaps it can correspond to the legendary kingdom ruled by Menelnik I.

小王國並立 前5世紀-前80年


Period of coexisting small kingdoms (5th century-80 years ago)

One of the small kingdoms developed into the Aksum Kingdom and unified the whole territory around 80 BC.

阿克蘇姆王國所羅門王朝 前80年-10世紀 (300年起信奉基督教)


Kingdom of Aksum-House of Solomon (80BC-10th century, believed in Christianity from 300CE)

The royal family claimed that they were direct descendants of King Solomon and Queen Sheba of Israel. The Kingdom of Aksum was a great transit country in the Roman Empire and Eastern trade.

扎格維王朝 1137–1270 (基督教)


Zagwe dynasty (1137–1270, Christianity)

The dynasty established by the Agaw people and was not ruled by the house of Solomon.

所羅門王朝 1270–1936 (基督教)


Solomon Dynasty (1270–1936, Christianity)

The royal family claimed that they were direct descendants of King Solomon and Queen Sheba of Israel. Tan DeSai’s original name ቴዎድሮስ is the same as the hero of the 19th century,Tewodros II (reigning 1855–1868), who reunited the entire territory of the country.

義大利殖民 1936–1941

當時衣索比亞為非洲碩果僅存的基督教獨立王國。義大利獨裁者墨索里尼為了減輕國內經濟壓力, 決定入侵衣國。當時英法為了換取義大利不跟德國結盟,於是默許義大利的侵略。義大利在1935年發動戰爭,並使用毒氣,7個月後攻陷衣國首都。皇帝海爾賽拉西流亡英國。

Italian occupation (1936–1941)

At that time Ethiopia was one of the few Christian independent kingdoms in Africa. The Italian dictator Mussolini decided to invade Ethiopia in order to alleviate domestic economic pressure. At that time, in order to win over Italy, UK and France hoped that Italy would not form an alliance with Germany, so they acquiesced in Italy’s aggression. Italy launched a war in 1935 and used poison gas. It captured the Ethiopian capital seven months later. The emperor Haile Selassie was exiled to UK.

所羅門王朝 1941–1974 (基督教)


Solomon Dynasty (1941–1974, Christianity)

In 1941, Ethiopia and the Allies defeated the Italian invading army and restored their independence. The emperor returned to the throne. With the help of UK and the United States, the emperor implemented dictatorship, the economy grew, and there were serious class contradictions in society.

德爾格政權 1974–1989


Derg (1974–1989)

It is a pro-Soviet regime. During the regime’s administration, the economy was in recession, many famines occurred, and the country was in a civil war.

衣索比亞過渡政府 1991–1995


Ethiopian Transitional Government (1991–1995)

In 1991, the Ethiopian People ’s Revolutionary Democratic Front overthrew Derg. In 1994, Ethiopia promulgated a new constitution that clearly stipulated that all ethnic groups have the right to self-determination. In August 1995, the name of the country was changed to “Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia”.

衣索比亞聯邦民主共和國 1995-今


Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (1995-now)

Thanks to the stable political situation and the export growth of coffee, rapeseed and other economic crops, Ethiopia has entered a period of development, with a substantial increase in GDP. According to the world bank, the GDP of Ethiopia increased rapidly at an average annual rate of 10.9% from 2004 to 2014. In 2014–16, the irregular rainfall brought by El Niño made the Ethiopian plateau fall into the situation of drought first and then flood, and the agriculture and animal husbandry were generally affected. The dissatisfaction of the farmers made the protests and conflicts in the country frequent, and made the ethnic problems that were not obvious in Ethiopia in the past come to the surface. In 2016, the conflict intensified. In the north, the two major ethnic groups of the country complained about the long-term governance of only about 6% of the total population of Tigrayans, and large-scale protests broke out and were suppressed by force. In the south, the long-term land disputes between Oromo people and the indigenous people of Somalia and the Gedeo zone evolved into violent actions, and a large number of refugees fled from the three regions. The economic situation has been unstable in recent years.



